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Using Spectradyne’s ViewerTM software for quantifying and rescaling data

Use the Viewer software to better understand size and concentration

…and here’s a transcript for your reading pleasure!

Hi I’m Ngoc Do, Application Scientist at Spectradyne! In this video we will be going over how to quantify the data and rescaling the data if necessary.

Here I have a measurement data for a 150nm particle standard. Let’s find out the peak size and concentration. Under the Quantification tab, we can select around the size population and fit the peak to a Gaussian curve to get the peak details. There are two ways to select the size range, either graphical or manual. For manual selection, enter the minimum and maximum values. For graphical, you can draw the gate using computer mouse. Let’s select our desired range. Once you’ve selected the range, click Gaussian fit. This will fit it to a Gaussian curve and information for peak size, concentration, CV, and number of particles are shown. We can do the same for obtaining the concentration value. We can select the range of interest and click on the Concentration button.

Certain factors, such as the composition of the sample diluent, may cause slight deviations from the default calibration, and you may wish to refine the diameter or concentration scaling to correct for the deviations.

Let’s perform the diameter rescaling for this data. So again, we have to size the peak first using Gaussian fit. Now suppose the expected size of the particle standard is at 120nm instead of 150nm. So we would have to type in 120 under the Diameter “Rescale last fit to” box and click Apply. The data will be scaled appropriately, and a diameter factor will be calculated and stored below. We can perform the same procedure for concentration and get a scaling factor for concentration.

The set of manual scaling parameters may be saved and retrieved for future use by click on Save button and specify a name for the calibration state. To retrieve these calibration values, click the Load button and select the saved calibration state. Once these are loaded, they will appear on the appropriate boxes and you can choose to apply the value to either single selected file or to all files in the Currently Loaded window.

So I’ve shown you the process to quantify and rescale the data. I hope you find it useful. Further details are available in the instrument Operation Manual and if you have questions, contact us at

More training videos are also available on our website. Thank you for your attention!