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Upcoming Events

See us at an upcoming conference or seminar!

We’re always looking to collaborate! Reach out to us below to bring our innovative technology to your upcoming events!

Conference: April 3-4, 2024 – Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) & Nanoparticles 2024: Diagnostics, Delivery, Therapeutics

This conference brings together academic and industry participants for a 2-day deep dive into timely topics in the Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) field with emphasis on technologies for isolation and study of extracellular vesicles as well as the downstream studies in the EV field such as biomarker analysis, diagnostics and therapeutics development.

In addition to the biomarker and diagnostic potential of EVs, we explore at this conference the latest work and developments in EV-based Therapeutics and the Drug Delivery and Therapeutics Opportunities in the EV Field.

Presentations at this conference from academics as well as industry participants and the goal is 2-days of extensive scientific exchange as well as networking opportunities.

Webinar: April 10, 2024 – ARC Insights: LNP Analysis in Biofluids and Validation Tests

In this webinar we will demonstrate the ARC’s ability to accurately quantify LNPs
directly in plasma and measure the stability of intact LNPs directly in serum.
Results of experiments validating LNP methods and repeatability on the ARC
particle analyzer will also be presented.

Conference: April 29, 2024- 3rd Annual LNP Formulation & Process Development Summit

Join the ever-growing community of LNP pioneers as they tackle the challenges associated with developing safe, compliant and efficacious LNPs. This starts with the in vitro discovery of LNPs through to the manufacturing processes, with end-to-end synergy fundamental.

Hear from returning industry powerhouses including PfizerModerna and Alnylam alongside new companies to share their insights to this community such as Capstan TherapeuticsAbbVieMana BioSerina TherapeuticsKarma Biotechnologies and more.

Conference: May 6, 2024 – ASGCT 27th Annual Meeting

The American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy’s (ASGCT) Annual Meeting is the premier event for professionals in gene and cell therapy. The meeting, which we expanded to four full days in 2023, is the best place for people in the field to learn from the latest scientific research, stay up to date on new technologies, and make career-advancing connections with peers.

Originally designed as a venue for academic researchers to share their work, the Annual Meeting has grown to serve a wide community encompassing clinicians, bio-industry development, regulatory agencies, equipment manufacturers, patient advocates, and more.

Want us at your event?

We’re always eager to discuss and demonstrate the power of our technology!

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Spectradyne LLC
2501 Cherry Ave Suite 140
Signal Hill CA 90755

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