February 7, 2019 – Overview of key applications
This first post will introduce you to the key applications of Spectradyne’s nCS1TM, a cutting-edge technology for measuring the concentration and size of particles in a liquid using Microfluidic Resistive Pulse Sensing (MRPS). As an electrical (non-optical) technique that counts and sizes particles one-by-one, MRPS accurately measures the concentration of any particle material, even in the most polydisperse mixtures-that is, in real-world samples. Best of all, sample analysis requires only 3 microliters.
Detect protein aggregation earlier
Aggregated protein samples are highly polydisperse and confound light-scattering based technologies such as nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). Note that DLS only measures a weighted average size, not a particle size distribution. Because Spectradyne’s nCS1TM quantifies smaller particles more accurately, researchers are using it to quantify aggregates dramatically earlier in the process of their formation, without having to wait for the particles to grow large enough to be detected by other methods.
- Save time and materials cost by detecting protein aggregation earlier
- Consider new experiments made possible by the extremely small sample volume required for analysis (3 microliters)
Quantify extracellular vesicles accurately and quickly
As extracellular vesicle (EV) research has matured, conventional technologies for their quantification such as NTA and TRPS have not kept pace to meet the increasing standards of rigor. Spectradyne’s nCS1 is a fast and practical method that accurately measures the concentration and size of EVs. The microfluidic implementation of RPS avoids the operational difficulties and variability inherent in other, more simplistic embodiments of the technique, making the nCS1 robust and easy to use. As a result, Spectradyne’s technology is quickly being adopted by EV researchers around the world.
- Add rigor to your bioactivity assays by accurately quantifying your EVs
- Assess the quality of your EV isolates at all stages of purification
Quantify gene therapy vectors and nanomedicines
Accurate quantification of gene therapy vectors and nanomedicines is critical for evaluating the bioactivity of these therapeutics. However, nanoparticle-based therapeutics often scatter light weakly, making accurate quantification by conventional light-based particle sizing techniques impossible. Assessing the concentration of viral vectors by biological titer takes significant time and resources. Spectradyne’s nCS1 measures low-index-contrast particles such as these accurately, quickly and easily-obtain the viral titer or quantify dosing of your favorite nanomedicine in just a few minutes.
- Characterize the gene therapy product that cannot be produced in large enough quantities for other techniques using the nCS1-just 3 microliters required
- Skip the plating required for live biological titer, and get accurate concentration and size in minutes
Obtain detailed size distributions of industrial nanoparticles
Nanoparticles serve as functional ingredients in a wide variety of products, and their size distribution is a critical parameter that governs their performance. Spectradyne’s nCS1 measures particles one-by-one and delivers quantitative, high-resolution size distributions that cannot be obtained with other technologies.
- Learn what fraction of your nanomaterial is present as smaller ‘fines’ that are undetectable by light scattering-based metrologies
- Directly count how many large, scratch-producing particles are in your polishing slurry
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Email us for more information, or to discuss your particular application directly.