April 30, 2021 – New! User Tutorial Video Library
Ever wanted a quick refresher on how to make customized, vector format data plots for publication using Spectradyne’s ViewerTM software? Or maybe you forgot how to create a custom peak filter to gate around a specific particle population of interest in your sample? Ngoc Do, Applications Scientist at Spectradyne, reviews these topics and other commonly asked questions in a new set of brief how-to videos recently added to our customer support page.
Introduction to Spectradyne’s Viewer Software
General overview and orientation to Spectradyne’s data analysis software, the Data Viewer. Get a tour of the various components of the user interface and how they work to load, visualize and analyze data, here.
Peak filtering
Visualize particle events in multiparametric scatter plots to identify subpopulations in complex, polydisperse samples, and learn how to create custom peak filters to gate around specific groupings, here.
Making data measurements and rescaling
Learn how to quantify the particle size distribution in your sample over a specified range by integrating the concentration, fitting to a gaussian shape, or calculating D10, D50 and D90 parameters, here.
Customizing data plots
Preparing a beautiful presentation, or ready to publish your data? Learn how to generate publication-ready vector graphics from the Data Viewer. Customizable features include colors, data labels, units (absolute concentration or density), bin widths, and many others. Check it out here!
Using Background Subtract mode
Pushing the limits of detection of your specific cartridge’s size range? Learn here how Background-Subtract mode can be used to provide confidence in the measured limit of detection by revealing a quantitative estimate of the electrical noise contribution as a function of particle size.
Save, Export and Subtract Data sets
Learn here how to resave updated data sets and share data with others by exporting to Excel report formats such as run reports and size distribution reports here. Batch-analyze data from multiple runs by creating a range report that includes the measured concentration over multiple ranges from each run for fast, quantitative comparison.
You can find all these tutorial videos and more on our library page here.
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