The Spectradyne nCS1TM and ARCTM particle size analyzers can be used to analyze nanoparticles in blood serum, blood plasma, as well as in other weakly conducting analytes such as PBS or other salt-containing solutions.
Below we display data showing the positive detection of bacteriophage in murine blood plasma. Left plot shows the raw particle detection data, of T7 phage in murine plasma. Center plot shows the histogram of effective particle diameters, showing a peak in particle concentration at 55 nm attributed to the bacteriophage. Left plot shows the concentration spectral density (CSD) of the blank plasma (blue dashed), phage-infected plasma (green dot-dashed) and the difference (red solid). These data also yield a 55 nm diameter for the phage. Integration of the peak gives the measured phage concentration of 5.3 × 1010 particles per ml, near that obtained by biological titre, of 1.5 × 1010 pfu/ml).