Spectradyne's technology uses highly-engineered microfluidic cartridges for sample particle size analysis. Leveraging advances in semiconductor processing techniques, these cartridges include engineered features that make the Resistive Pulse Sensing technique practical and easy to use at the nanoscale. Some of the benefits our customers appreciate include: 1000-fold smaller sample volume required for analysis (only 3 microliters), no time spent cleaning flow cells between samples, and embedded fluidic features in each cartridge that prevent the clogging behaviors seen in other simplistic implementations of the method. Pre-calibrated at the factory so you don't have to, the microfluidic analysis cartridges are at the heart of Spectradyne's technology.
In the table below we display the different cartridge specifications that are available for particle size analysis. You can also view a cartridge map for cartridge selection.
Read about our microfluidic technology.
Microfluidic cartridges come in different two formats:
Spectradyne's nCS1 provides accurate, high-resolution particle size analysis and concentration distributions for particles of all material types. The use of resistive pulse sensing for detecting the particle size responds the same way when presented with particles of biological, organic or inorganic origin, giving e.g. the same result for gold NPs, virus and lipids of the same diameter. For more information or to arrange a demonstration of our particle size analysis technology, please contact us.